Integrated Report 2024

PHC Group Business StrategyHealthcare Solutions

LSI Medience contributes to creating a healthy
and safe society through medical science.

Kenichi Uchino

Kenichi Uchino

Corporate Officer, PHC Holdings Corporation/
President and Representative Director, LSI Medience Corporation


LSI Medienceʼs mission is “We are the Good Health Creator, contributing to the creation of a healthy and safe society through Medical Science (MEDIcal+sciENCE).” Through this mission, we seek to deliver accurate clinical test results to medical facilities promptly, based on the analytical technology we have cultivated for some 50 years of providing clinical testing services.
In addition to clinical tests for disease diagnosis and health checkups, we actively leverage new technologies and strive to provide even better services. We introduced cutting-edge, next-generation sequencers and begun offering cancer genome profiling tests, which are essential for new cancer treatments. We will contribute to advancing healthcare while ensuring high quality and speed of testing and utilizing new technologies.
Regarding the inappropriate quality management at our Central Laboratory, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience and concern caused by this matter. We are taking corrective actions and thoroughly reinforcing compliance awareness. Press release.

Main Customers

  • Hospitals/clinics
  • Food manufacturers


Established in 1975, LSI Medience has operated various clinical testing businesses.
We offer contract clinical testing services, in which patient samples are collected from clinics and hospitals and transferred to our clinical testing centers for a variety of tests. Our testing spans a wide range of categories, including hematology, biochemical, microbiological, and gene-related testing, and we reliably deliver accurate test results quickly.
In addition, we are one of 30 laboratories in the world that conduct doping testing, and the only sample analysis laboratory in Japan certified by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
We aim to create new solutions by leveraging our core analytical capabilities accumulated over time in these diverse testing fields and our expertise in analyzing test results.


  • One of the top clinical testing platforms in Japan
    In the clinical testing business, we have a nationwide network in Japan, covering a wide variety of more than 4,000 types of tests. Additionally, we have built strong relationships and trust with our customers, including university hospitals, clinics, and administrative institutions, based on our many years of experience.
  • Thorough quality management
    We have obtained international certification and carry out thorough quality control in all business areas.
  • Advanced initiatives
    Over the years, we have advanced technological capabilities in genetic analysis and mass spectrometry in testing and have promoted a variety of advanced initiatives, including the first industry-academia collaboration in Japan.

What’s new

Cancer genome profiling testing, which comprehensively assesses genetic abnormalities and guides treatment choices, currently offers five types of panel tests in Japan. These tests are only available at 264 facilities, primarily core medical centers for cancer genome medicine. Since introducing its health coverage for treatment, from June 2019 to April 2024, the number of individuals registered for the panel has reached 70,000, with approximately 2,000 new registrants per month. LSI Medience Corporation has collaborated with analysis companies to offer the OncoGuide NCC Oncopanel System since 2019 and the GenMineTOP® Cancer Genome Profiling System since 2023 to provide testing to healthcare organizations. As of May 2024, our service for the GenMineTOP® has penetrated 92% of core medical centers for cancer genome medicine, 88% of hospitals for cancer genome medicine, and 67% of the 264 medical institutions that perform the test, including the affiliated
hospitals. (As of May 2024)

Kazuhiro Kunimi

Business Development Department,
Advanced Product Development OfficeKazuhiro Kunimi

Employee Voices

LSI Medience has engaged in unique industry-academia collaboration initiatives and has developed social projects by leveraging advanced analytical technologies of academia. For example, we have established proprietary technology for comprehensive protein quantification, the iMPAQT Method, as a contracted analytical service in collaboration with Kyushu University to support researchers. Since 2023, we have expanded the range of applications for this service by introducing a new developmental technology, called iMPAQT2 ( We are pleased to report positive feedback on our analysis, such as “Our paper was accepted, thanks to your analysis.” In the future, we plan to further enhance our network of industry-academia partnerships across Japan and make it one of our strengths.

Wataru Igami

Kyushu Pro Search Limited Liability Partnership
(KPSL) Executive Officer, Research and
Development Department ManagerWataru Igami

Main Products/Services

We develop clinical tests such as cancer diagnosis and genetic testing based on innovative technology. Furthermore, we will promote global anti-doping activities and contribute to the healthy development of sports.

  • Clinical Testing Services

    Respond to advanced and diverse clinical testing needs with laboratory automation systems. Third-largest provider in Japan based on market share*1

    Clinical Testing Services
  • Doping Testing Services

    Promoting global anti-doping activities as the only WADA*2 certified laboratory in Japan.

    Doping Testing Services

*1 In-house research *2 World Anti-Doping Agency

LSI Medience(LSIM Division)

LSI Medience(LSIM Division)

The clinical testing market in Japan was driven by demand for COVID-19 related tests from 2020 to 2022.
Due to a significant drop in demand for COVID-related testing, the overall clinical testing market in Japan has shrunk. However, there are signs of a gradual recovery in general testing demand.
The overall clinical testing market is expected to grow by 1-2% year-on-year, reflecting the recovering demand for general testing to pre-COVID levels and an expansion of new technologies and demand, such as genetic and genomic testing.
Samples are collected from clinics and hospitals and tested centrally, mainly at the Central Laboratory in Tokyo. A common issue in the industry is how to streamline these operations.
Our company, which is responsible for the clinical testing contract business of PHC Group and boasts one of the largest such businesses in Japan, covers a wide variety of more than 4,000 types of tests.
In addition, we promote a variety of large-scale industry-academia collaboration projects, including the Tsukuba i-Laboratory, which is the first such collaboration in Japan.
The three growth areas that LSI Medience is focusing on are cancer gene testing used at the start of anti-cancer drug treatment, cancer genome/genetic testing such as cancer panel testing that can examine multiple genes simultaneously, and medical treatment for healthy people. We aim to expand contracts for uninsured testing, a new market that is not limited to medical care. In addition, we plan to promote strategic partnerships with regional hospitals and academic institutions, utilize the laboratory capabilities of our regional partners to reduce cost, and develop regional strategies to efficiently undertake clinical testing.