Integrated Report 2023

PHC Group Overview and VisionAt a Glance


Consolidated revenue

Consolidated revenue

Ratio of consolidated revenue

Ratio of consolidated revenue

Consolidated operating profit

Consolidated operating profit

Cash based profit per share, dividends, dividend payout ratio

FY2021 FY2022
Cash based profit attributable to owners of the parent per share *1 (yen) 207.7 180.2
Dividend per share (yen) 38 72
Dividend payout ratio*2 (%) 18.3 39.9
  • *1 Cash based profit attributable to owners of the parent company = Profit attributable to owners of the parent + Impairment loss (excluding marketable securities) + M&A related income and expenses (depreciable assets) + mark-to-market gain/loss from convertible notes + tax effect for adjustment items. Per share calculation for FY21 and FY22 is based on the average number of shares outstanding during the period (net of treasury stock), and those for FY23 (forecast) are based on the number of shares outstanding at the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 (after deducting treasury stock at the end of the fiscal year).
  • *2 Dividend payout ratio (%) = Dividend per share/CBNI per share


Ratio of employees outside Japan: 40% / Ratio of female employees 41% / Ratio of female managers: 24%

Employee engagement survey

Participation rate 85% Top 3 scores: 1st Brand / 2nd Challenging work / 3rd Team, Supervisors, Plans to stay

Main manufacturing/laboratory locations


Sales countries/areas


Research and development expenses

9.93 billion yen

Total number of patents held


*Figures as of March 31, 2023