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What features of a ULT Freezer maximize your research?

What can we do to maximize our research results?
Means of daily maintenance of your lab, such as “enriching the lab environment” through fulfilling research equipment and appropriately managing them, or having adequate stock of chemicals and perishables, all lead to "boosting productivity" for your lab and ultimately research.

Case 1 : A Molecular Biology Lab at a National University

Professor Makiyama, who runs this lab, noticed that the ULT freezer he bought for the lab 5 years ago was getting quite small.

As the research scale of the lab had grown over the past few years, the storage capacity of the freezer was about to be insufficient. But in order to expand the lab to a bigger scale, he had to produce results for his research. Currently, he is borrowing several freezers from neighboring labs, but he would eventually have to return them.

In addition, the other day, the freezer door suddenly jammed and was unable to be opened, delaying the scheduled experiment, causing the students to stay in longer. The same incident had occurred in the lab next door, but the freezer handle was damaged and unnecessary repair fees incurred as they tried opening the door with force.

Furthermore, the temperature display and control panel is located at the top of the freezer, which is 180cm or higher, it is out of reach for most students. On the other hand, other freezers have the temperature display and control panel at the bottom of the unit, and therefore students have to bend over to access it. There are also voices saying that the operation is difficult, and students have to read the instruction manual many times.