INCUBATION Product Technology

InCu saFe Construction for Germicidal Protection


PHCbi’s exclusive InCu saFe® copper-enriched stainless steel alloy interior surfaces, plenum and shelving eliminate contamination sources and mitigate the effect of airborne contaminates introduced through normal use.

  • Selected to provide passive germicidal protection without rust or corrosion, InCu saFe® expresses a natural germicidal effect inhibiting the growth of molds, fungi, mycoplasma and bacteria.
  • All interior components, including the air management plenum, shelf supports, and humidity pan and fan assembly are easily removable without tools if required. When components are removed, all interior surfaces are exposed for conventional wipe down.
  • Large curve corners and electro-polished surfaces are easy to clean.
  • During the H2O2 decontamination cycle interior components can be repositioned within the chamber for in situ decontamination.
  • An access port (with dual, non-VOC silicone stoppers) accommodates probes or instrumentation leads as required for specialized cell culture protocols.

Product Information