INCUBATION Product Technology

H2O2 decontamination process

The hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) decontamination process, used in MCO-230AIC IncuSafe CO2 Incubator and 170 range of CO2 and Multigas Incubators, permits quick turn around of the cell culture incubator between processes, even when a complete, validated decontamination is required. Low temperature hydrogen peroxide in biological safety cabinets is a widely used alternative to other decontamination procedures, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.

PHCbi’s H2O2 system limits incubator downtime to less than three hours for each total chamber decontamination. Despite this increased speed, the high levels of safety needed to meet regulatory requirements are reliably retained. The quick turnaround of this process means that the equipment is out of action for substantially less time than similar direct heat decontamination systems.



The H2O2 decontamination process follows several steps. Once the cycle is activated, the door is automatically locked and hydrogen peroxide goes through vaporisation. An airflow system circulates interior air to ensure all surfaces come into contact with the vapour. After this an ultraviolet (UV) light switches on for 90 minutes, causing the H2O2 vapour to decompose into water vapour and oxygen. Once the cycle is complete, the door automatically unlocks.

When hydrogen peroxide decontamination is employed, all the incubator’s interior components, such as shelves, shelf brackets and the humidity tray, are decontaminated in situ. This eliminates the need to remove and replace them for any additional cleaning. In addition, critical parts such as the CO2 sensor do not need to be removed during the process nor recalibrated afterwards, contributing to the reliable operation of the system. The unique design of PHCbi incubators ensures the use of the decontamination system with no impact on adjacent equipment or the environment.

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