Matsuyama Site

FY2023: April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024

Initiatives Related to the Priority Environmental Themes

Goals Results
Reduce CO2 emissions below 5,853.8 tons as a measure to prevent global warming Achieved the goal of reducing CO2 emissions to 5,665.1 tons by reducing power consumption, including the installation of high-efficiency equipment
Conduct on-site inspections regarding the use of in-process chemical substances Confirmed and improved the management status of chemical substances using designated check sheets
Participate in local environmental activities Undertook the 530 (Gomi zero= no waste) campaign (once/year)
Conducted cleanup of the upper stream area of the Ishite River Dam

Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact

Energy Saving Activities

■Improvement Initiatives
Reduced power usage through installing high-efficiency equipment and energy-saving measures.

Details of Initiatives Annual CO2 Reduction
Harmonic noise suppression measures for air conditioning equipment 15.40t - CO2/Yr
Renewal of aging equipment (chiller for Pb film formation) 2.10t - CO2/Yr
Replaced the lightings with LEDs
(Number of units: 719)
0.56t - CO2/Yr
Others 8.74t - CO2/Yr

Total CO2 Reduction: 26.80t - CO2/Yr

Examples of Environmental Communication

530 (Gomi Zero = no waste) Campaign - Date: May 31, 2023

Conducted a cleanup activity on a 3 km road near the Matsuyama Site.

530 (Gomi Zero = no waste) Campaign
530 (Gomi Zero = no waste) Campaign

Cleanup of the upper stream area of the Ishite River Dam - Date: November 12, 2023

Conducted cleanup activities along the river and roads in the upper stream area of Ishite River Dam.

Cleanup of the upper stream area of the Ishite River Dam
Cleanup of the upper stream area of the Ishite River Dam

Preparing and How to Respond for Emergencies

Concept and Drill Program

Every year, we assess the risks in leakages of chemical substances and equipment we handle and determine the needs for emergency drills based on the scale of the anticipated leakage.
If an emergency drill is deemed necessary, a drill plan is organized and implemented at the beginning of the fiscal year to prepare for unexpected leakage incidents.

CO2 Emissions in Matsuyama Site

Energy use amount

Amount of Wastes & Valuables in Matsuyama Site

Amount of Wastes & Valuables in Matsuyama Site