General Questions FAQ


  • How can I get a price/quote for PHCbi product?
    The price of product and related services that we or our official distributor can offer vary by area / country. Please contact us from here or local sales company/distributor (see Where to Buy page). Then we or sales company/distributor will contact you to deliver the best offer.  
  • Does PHCbi have distributor or office in my country ?
    Please find our Global network from Where to Buy page. Since the first launch of Vaccine Refrigerator in Japan in 1966, our products including preservation equipment (Laboratory Freezers, Ultra Low Freezers) and incubation equipment (Cell Culture Incubators, Microbiological Incubators) have been used in various customers & facilities such as universities, research laboratories, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals in 110 countries worldwide.
  • How can I get parts information of PHCbi products ?
    We are strictly controlling the latest information of parts used for the products. In order to deliver the appropriate or latest information for proper services, please contact us from here. Within the form, please fill out the model no. of product with serial number and what parts or information you need. The serial number of product is written in Name Plate attached to the right or left surface of product body. As soon as we receive the necessary information, we or sales company/distributor will contact you to deliver the necessary information.
  • About carrier/job opportunity at PHCbi.
    PHCbi (PHC Corporation, Biomedical Division) is not currently recruiting personnel on this website. For global sales companies and distributors, please contact each company directly. Please find our Global network from Where to Buy page. (* Please be noted that there is no capital relationship between the local distributor and PHC Corporation.)
  • What does the "Error" or "Function" code on product display indicate?
    The condition when "Error code" or "Function code" is indicated is different by model. The "Error code" indicates error/abnormal condition of the product. The "Function code" indicates the parts replacement notification after life time of fan motor, battery etc.
    Depending on the product series (such with LCD display equipped), not only the "code" of "Warning" and/or "Alarm" and/or "Error" and/or "Status" but also the "message" are displayed. The difference of the code depends on model number or condition or risk of product however, you can see what's happening from the message on LDC screen at a glance without reading manual.
    For more detail about the each code with the condition of product, please find User's manual here and solve the error condition. And please contact our sales representative or distributor for the servicing.
  • I'm looking for food industrial autoclave.
    We unfortunately do not sell large industrial autoclaves such with pressure vessels used to process parts and materials which require exposure to elevated pressure and temperature. Our MLS Autoclave vertical mainly used for Laboratory or any other place (e.g. disposal after quarantine inspection etc.) in order to sterilize the goods or materials such smaller than 75 liters capacity.
  • Does PHCbi have electric ovens for laboratory?
    No., We are not selling ovens. We only provides after service for MOV series which were sold under previous Sanyo & Panasonic brand. (Model no: MOV-112F/212F, MOV-112S/212S)