Cell Culture Incubators Capabilities
As a crucial piece of laboratory equipment, PHCbi brand cell culture incubators are designed to ensure highly accurate, reproducible chamber conditions. Our cell culture incubators provide a contamination-free environment while allowing precise CO2 or CO2/O2 control - essential for in vivo environment replication.
Reproduction of In Vivo Conditions
The solid zirconia O2 sensor allows precise control of oxygen levels in order to simulate in vivo conditions similar to a cell's native surroundings. The MCO-170MP-PA multigas incubator reproduces low oxygen concentrations that are often found in tissues, organs and pathogenic tissues.
Time Saving Decontamination
An optional high speed decontamination system uses hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) vapor to clean the incubator chamber in under three hours. The system safely and efficiently decontaminates with a 100% kill rate of major contaminants.
Contamination Control with SafeCell™ UV and InCu-saFe®
The PHCbi inCu-saFe combines the germicidal properties of elemental copper with the corrosion and discoloration resistance of stainless steel to deliver passive contamination control throughout the chamber interior. The SafeCell UV lamp provides safe, active and passive contamination control of circulated air and the humidity water reservoir. SafeCell scrubs and decontaminates circulated chamber air without affecting cell cultures in situ.
Direct Heat and Air Jacket System
Superior temperature uniformity and accurate temperature levels are achieved by the microprocessor controlled Direct Heat and Air Jacket System, which functions under microprocessor control.
Color LCD Display
The high contrast color LCD display allows for easy, touchscreen use even with gloved hands. The control panel interface allows for easy programming of temperature, CO2, O2 and other internal conditions of your incubator.
USB Log Function for Data Transfer and Storage
A standard USB port simplifies the storage or transfer of logged data.
Rapid CO2 Density Recovery
Proprietary IR2 sensor achieves ultrafast CO2 recovery without overshoot, even following multiple door openings.